inmunomodulationla20 jun 20221 Min. de lecturaTRAINED IMMUNITY AGAINST CANCERIn the last three years we have been involved in a number of works related to trained immunity (Mata-MartÃnez, P., et al., Front....
inmunomodulationla20 jun 20221 Min. de lecturaCANCER BIOMARKERSTherefore, in addition to suggest the potential application of the above-mentioned vaccine, plasma Ca10 levels could represent a new...
inmunomodulationla20 jun 20221 Min. de lecturaANTITUMOR VACCINESWe are interested in cancer vaccines of potential clinical application. In this sense, we are studying an antitumor vaccine based on a...
inmunomodulationla20 jun 20221 Min. de lecturaIMMUNOLOGICAL RESPONSES TO CLINICAL THERAPIES- Based on our deep experience in the cellular biology of immune responses (del Fresno, C., et al., Science, 2018; del Fresno, C.,...